As an air conditioning installation contractor, we represent a philosophy focused on energy efficiency and the environment. Not only can we build, design, and install your commercial HVAC systems, we significantly reduce ongoing operational costs by performing preventative routine maintenance to ensure your HVAC system is running optimally, unlike other commercial HVAC contractors and commercial HVAC companies.
Buildings and their systems have never been so complex, and organizations have never been so dependent on their buildings. We provide commercial HVAC systems services for the highest performing indoor air quality systems, and we specialize in all types of facilities in nearly every market. Our programs enhance reliability and performance, ensuring peak operation and longer system life. And when you think your system or its components need to be replaced, talk to us first. We can help you repair or retrofit any HVAC system, significantly reducing your costs.
As a non-OEM, our single focus is our clients’ needs. We provide the best possible equipment, technology, and methods in the marketplace. Our services can play a vital role in delivering more reliable, productive, and economical operations while enhancing the overall value of your existing assets.
We will consistently meet both everyday and mission-critical needs, utilizing energy-efficient HVAC equipment and technology, including computerized and fully automated duct and pipe fabrication in our 50,000 sq. ft. manufacturing facility.
Using the latest equipment in advanced, state-of-the-art diagnostic and automated control technologies, we are able to minimize the cost of operating your building environment without sacrificing occupant comfort.Our New York state-registered engineers and professionally trained project managers settle for nothing less than complete customer satisfaction.
We design it, install it, service it, and maintain it as a single point of contact for every HVAC service need. We provide value to our customers through high-quality consulting services and efficient, cost-effective, customized solutions.
Contact us today to learn more about what we can do for you as a commercial HVAC contractor and air conditioning installation contractor.
Empire Air performs over 60,000 Installation hours each year. With 30-years in the business, that’s close to million and a half hours of Installation experience. Our internal training and installation requirements are amongst the toughest in the business. Our factory trained technicians know that the quality of your Installation depends on the knowledge, experience and dedication to your facility. We have a very demanding code of conduct, we expect excellence everyday. This is why you will consistently find exceptional technicians at Empire Air.
Getting information accurately and quickly is critical. Empire Air employs state-of- the-art satellite communication to-and- from our facilities to all of our technicians in the field. Every service vehicle is equipped with a laptop, GPS and a satellite link. When our technicians complete a service at your facility, the follow-up is created on the spot and uploaded to our office. Service calls arrive to our technicians in writing on their digital device. Room for error and miscommunication is significantly eliminated via this protocol.